Facebook and Instagram Ads for Coaches and Service Providers

Facebook & Instagram Ads

So long, growth plateau.
Hello, hitting your vision board goals.

Confidently leave your ads management in expert hands while you focus on building bigger dreams.

Facebook & Instagram Ads

So long, growth Plateau.
Hello, hitting your vision board goals.

Confidently leave your ads management in expert hands, while you focus on building bigger dreams.

If you’ve tried ads before and didn’t see results, I know why…

You’re probably missing one (or all!) of these three things:

1️⃣ A personalized ad strategy that is aligned with YOUR business, right now. (Rather than a cookie-cutter method).

2️⃣ The foundational pillars that are critical to successful ads in today’s world.

3️⃣ A big-picture approach to align your ads with the rest of your eco-system for the best possible ROI.

Most ad managers skip over this ⬆️ but it has become essential in today’s hyper-congested ads market.

My method for getting proven results for my clients is by tailoring best practices and market trends to their individual businesses. 

Because (contrary to what you’ve heard) there isn’t one magic formula with ads. 

Instead, I develop and implement a super-personalized ad strategy specifically designed for YOU and YOUR business.

I look at strategy, audience and messaging, as well as your whole customer journey (pre and post-advert) because THAT is what gets you the best ROI on your ad budget.

This is what I call my IMPACT method and it’s helped my clients generate 7 figures in sales from their ads.

Corin x

“Corin was really forthcoming with providing ideas and sharing insight and showing an interest into my business. Corin’s really passionate about supporting other women in business and it’s it’s hyper-personalized, the service that she delivers.

Corin is a very fantastic trustworthy human being in the online space, which I’m very grateful for.”

Emily de Luzy, founder of FitQueen

We need to talk about your ROI…

Let me tell you a story.

My client is a women’s leadership coach, she booked 61 calls, enrolled 13 new clients and made $84,000 in sales from $5,000 ad spend over 2 months…

…but here’s what other ads managers WON’T tell you.
This was not all down to a magic unicorn ad.

This was down to having done the deep strategic work to create ads that bring in the highest quality leads.

And align the ads with the whole eco-system.

Because that’s when you see MASSIVE ROI from your ad spend.

Other Coaches and Service Providers are scaling with my IMPACT ads…

Cristina has an 8-week business and mindset program.

After just two months of implementing my customized Meta ad strategy, sales and revenue doubled and we turned $14k of ad spend into $132,000.

Doreen is a transformation coach.

My IMPACT ads cut her lead costs in half and turned her sales around in just 3 months where we turned $3,500 of ad spend into $34,800 in sales

Teresa sells craft kits and also has a membership.

Since working with Teresa we’ve scaled to more than double the ad spend, and generated over 6 figures in profit.

Book your free strategy call now if...

What to expect from your free strategy call...

Before we get into how my ads method can help you achieve all that big life, vision board stuff; we talk strategy.

This is a value-packed session, with no sales pitch or awkward pushy questions.

By the end of our time together you’ll be clear on the right path for your business. No strings attached. 

In our 45 minutes together we’ll cover:

 “I put off getting my ads up and running for ages. I suppose I was nervous they wouldn’t work (again). But I’m so glad I did it, I wish I’d been braver sooner. 

Now I realise that as soon as I got better ads running, I started generating new leads, gathering data, testing and improving.  And then I started to scale.”

Elena Connolly Copywriting Coach

If you’re serious about punching through your growth plateau in 2024, ads are the best way to get loads of perfect-fit, soul-aligned clients rolling into your high-ticket offers.

Don't just take it from me...


“Adding Corin to my ad spend was the best decision I have made for my business.”

Corin came highly recommended from a colleague and she definitely did not disappoint!

Knowing Corin and her team were managing my ads everyday gave me the time I needed to focus on other things in my business.
The ads quickly produced clients so the results were there immediately.

Adding Corin to my ad spend was the best decision I have made for my business.

Doreen Crisci, Transformation Coach


“Corin’s expertise blew me away.”

My experience of working with Corin on the ads for my online course has been amazing. I had run ads before and didn’t get the ROI or support I had hoped for, but as soon as I started talking to Corin, her expertise blew me away.

I love that she thought about the big picture of my launch and made the whole experience feel easy.
Once the ads were up and running, I never felt alone, Corin checked in and helped make sure my campaign was tracking in the right direction.
I have been so pleased with the results.

It can be tricky to find an ads strategist whose legit and you can trust, which is why I’m thrilled to have found Corin!

Elena Connolly, Copywriting Coach

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“Corin is a very fantastic trustworthy human being in the online space.”

“I was feeling totally overwhelmed with my paid media strategy and Corin was really forthcoming with providing ideas and sharing insight and showing an interest into my business before we even confirmed a package.

And it showed to me that Corin’s really passionate about supporting other women in business.

If you are feeling totally overwhelmed with paid ads or you’ve tried things in the past and they haven’t worked, I highly recommend Corin because it’s hyper-personalized, the service that she delivers.

Corin is a very fantastic trustworthy human being in the online space, which I’m very grateful for.”

Emily de Luzy, Founder of FitQueen

Meta Ads Results

“Ads are getting new people to our door which is exactly what we needed.”

“Before working with Corin, I felt daunted and overwhelmed by the ‘dark art’ of ads and scared that we’d spend thousands with little to show for it.

But now, ads are getting new people to our door which is exactly what we needed and I’m feeling much more confident that we can fill our programmes.

Corin is smart, sassy and professional. She does exactly what she says she’s going to do, on time and in budget. She is also an absolute delight to work with! I strongly recommend working with Corin.”

Georgina Woudstra, Founder of Team Coaching Studio

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“Thanks to Corin, I am seeing great results.”

“Before working with Corin, Facebook Ads was like a zone of terror and I was concerned I would be putting money literally in the bin.

Facebook Ads is still a monster to me, but thanks to Corin I am seeing great results and signups have increased.

Corin is such an intelligent, calm, and professional woman. If you’re looking for some Facebook ads support, do a call with Corin – I guarantee you will end up working with her!

Ana Estrougo, Founder of The Octopus Club


“Since working with Corin, the results have been amazing.”

Before working with Corin I avoided Facebook Ads as they didn’t seem to bring the right audience. I was concerned about the cost and appearing too ‘salesy’ for being more visible.

Since working with Corin, the results have been amazing from increasing my email list, more enquiries, more engagement with people and a new 1:1 client in just a couple of weeks.

Corin is so encouraging with genuine interest in the quality of the content, giving constructive feedback on how to improve things. I highly recommend investing in Corin’s expertise and support!

Monique Fryer, Yoga Business Coach